Development overview to the Access Record Structured capability


The Access Record Structured capability provides the ability to retrieve a patient’s GP record in a structured and coded format; currently this consists of the following clinical areas:

  • Allergies
  • Medications

The capability consists of a single API operation for retrieving a patient’s structured record, plus a capability statement operation describing the capability API, both of which are listed below in API definition.

Allergies and medication guidance

The following pages describe how allergies and medications recorded in general practice are represented in GP Connect:

FHIR® resources

The FHIR resources pages provide a detailed reference on population and consumption of the FHIR profiled resources used in this capability.

FHIR® examples

The following pages provide example request and response messages:

API definition

The following API definitions are included in this capability:

Spine interactions

The Access Record Structured capability message set includes the following set of Spine interactions:

Operation Interaction ID
Get Structured Record urn:nhs:names:services:gpconnect:fhir:operation:gpc.getstructuredrecord-1
Read Metadata (Access Record Structured) urn:nhs:names:services:gpconnect:structured:fhir:rest:read:metadata-1